8 Easy English Idioms with IN and ON
in the loop
in two minds
in hot water
in no time
Who are you going to vote for? I'm in two minds.
The boos found out he lied. He's in hot water.
I won't be long. I'll be back in no time.
Ask John what happened. He'll know. He's in the loop.
on a mission
on my own
on good terms with
on second thought
Will someone be joining you? No, I'm on my own.
He's on a mission to change the world.
We're on good terms with our neighbors.
On second thought, I decided not to go out tonight.
Now that you're in the loop about the meaning
Now that you're in the loop about the meanings of these idioms, you won't be in hot water on your next English exam. In fact, I'm sure you'll soon start using them on your own. On second thought, if you do a quiz at www.engvid.com you'll learn them even faster. And since you're on a mission to transform your English, subscribe to my youtube channel, so you can reach your goal in no time.