
Personality, Character

HelloJaewon 2016. 12. 27. 22:39

1. man of integrity

Can I trust the new salesman?

He is a man of integrity. He'll never cheat or lie to you.

He is honest and trustworthy.

He is a man of integrity.

2. exemplary

As an entrepreneur and a philanthropist, his actions have been exemplary to many other people.

I hope one day to follow his example and contribute much to my community.

He set a good example to other people.

his actions have been exemplary.

3. all ears

What is it that makes her so attractive to you?

She is all ears when I talk to her, and I like her attentiveness.

She listens to me attentively when I talk to her.

She is all ears when I talk to her.

4. decent

My parents want me to marry a decent young man and live a stable life.

That's what most parents want for their children.

Everybody says he's a good guy.

Everybody says he's a decent guy.

5. collecte

Why is he called the best negotiator in the company?

It's because he's so calm and collected under pressure.

He's so calm under pressure.

He's so calm and collected under pressure.

6. ulterior motive

She's being so nice to me these days. She must have an ulterior motive.

Maybe she just wants to get to know you better.

She must have another intention.

She must have an ulterior motive.

7. up his sleeve

Don't trust him. He always has something up his sleeve.

Thanks for the advice. I'll be more cautious around him.

He has a plot in mind.

He has something up his sleeve.

8. crocodile tears

I saw your boyfriend crying.

I know when he's really upset and genuinely crying. Those are crocodile tears.

She was faking her sorrow.

She cried crocodile tears.

9. yes-man

I don't understand why James got a promotion while David didn't.

It's impossible to get a promotion if you're not a yes-man.

He always listens to what his boss says and never disagrees with him.

He is such a yes-man.

She is a very classy woman.

He shakes your hand while stabbing your back.

Don't be such a know-it-all.

He is two-faced.

He's so jaded.