
Maturity, Wisdom

HelloJaewon 2017. 1. 5. 22:39

1. outgrow

There are certain habits you have to outgrow.

I don't think you're ever too old to play video games.

There are certain habits you have to get rid of as you become older.

There are certain habits you have to outgrow.

2. epiphany

While I was taking a shower this morning, I had an epiphany about which direction to take my company.

I also find that some of my best ideas come from the shower.

I suddenly realized which direction to take my company.

I had an epiphany about which direction to take my company.

3. eye-opening experience

You seem like a completely new man after volunteering in Africa.

It was an eye-opening experience.

The experience helped me realize new perspectives.

It was an eye-opening experience.

Your new perspective changed my paradigm.