목록전체 글 (165)
Pure Software Engineer :)
References https://code.facebook.com/posts/1661982097368498 http://www.infoq.com/news/2015/07/facebook-folly-futures
Raspberry pi2를 target으로 리눅스 커널 부팅과정을 스터디 중.이 글은 커널 소스의 Documentation/arm/Booting 문서를 참고하여 작성한 글이다. 부트로더는 다음의 5가지 일을 한다.1. RAM 초기화2. 시리얼 포트 초기화3. Detect the machine type4. kernel tagged list 설정5. kernel image 호출 3. Detect the machine typearch/arm/tools/mach-types에 각 machine별 정보를 파일로 제공한다. # Database of machine macros and numbers ... # machine_is_xxx CONFIG_xxxx MACH_TYPE_xxx number...prima2_evb M..
Bill has a sweet tooth.Susan has a heart of gold.John has a good head on his shoulders.Angela has her hands full.Steven has eyes in the back of his head.Barbara has a big mouth.Mark has a green thumb.Julia has her head in the clouds. Referenceshttp://www.engvid.com/8-idioms-have-english/
Among, Amongst, Between Between = 2 itemsAmon = 3+ items 1. The bill was split between Frank and Mark.2.Between you and me, I think Jane should tell her mom the truth.Between you and I(x) ~.3. Among the books, I saw an old photo.4. I walked among the trees. Group/Mass Noun1. I must choose among universities in Canada.2. There was an agreement among all members.3. Trade agreements exist among cou..
so + (adjective or adverb)such + (noun) so + adjectiveso tallso hotso expensiveso deliciousso friendlyso luxurious so + adverbso quicklyso slowlyso carefully so longso muchso many such a tall mansuch a hot daysuch an expensive shopsuch a delicious cakesuch friendly peoplesuch luxurious aptssuch a long timesuch a lot of time You look so tired.He's such a nice man.Venice is such a lovely city.She ..
1.Please find attached my resume.Please find attached photos from the conference. attachment = (n) added computer file 2.I've forwarded Bill's resume to you.I'm forwarding John's email to you. forward = (n) resend an email 3.I've cc'd Umar on this email. To keep someone in the loop.I've cc'ed ~I've copied ~ 4.If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. hesitate = wait 5.I loo..
Pronunciation /du/ - North American - /dƷ/ = j sound Duel[|dju:əl] Education[|edƷu|keɪʃn] ScheduleGradualEducationIndividualFraudulentGraducationProcedureAssiduousArduousDeciduousRedisualIncredulous (The majority it's not at the beginning. It's usually in the middle or towards the end.) - ExceptionDuringDuration Did you = Did ja tongue twister The educated individual graduated on schedule.The pr..
Comma Splices 1) Black bears are beautiful, they have shiny coats. (x)2) I love watching movies, I have watching TV. (x)3) My friend, a student at the University of Toronto, lives on campus. (o)4) I watched soccer yesterday, it was boring. (x) Black bears are beautiful. They have shiny coats. (o)Black bears are beautiful; they have shiny coats. (o)Black bears are beautiful [because/since/when/if..